Ensuring Production Line Quality

Using Trained QA Engineers To Ensure Product Quality Through Gauging Inspections and Measurement Systems to Ensure Quality. Routine monitoring and inspections play a key roll in ensuring product quality. We have highly trained staff and a thorough testing/analysis process to ensure quality products are produced.

FlowDry Gauging & Measuring

Flow Dry QA specialists, as well as process engineers, are experts in applying a broad range of equipment to measure various types of materials including everything from non-metallic foams to stainless steel metal forms.

  • Trining for high end digital caliper use ensures production process is accurately monitored.
  • Extensive in house tooling to create spreiazlief gauging for proprietary processes.
  • Biaxial vision system equipped with Metronics Quadra Chek for detailed inspection of die cut gaskets, shrouds and insulating components

Extensive layout capabilities are available from an innovative inspection system that utilizes multi-sensor technology and the latest inspection hardware and software to inspect parts from the ultra-small to the largest size (30″ x 30″).
Employing an interactive software suite coupled to an automatic, CNC, high accuracy machine, the system incorporates both video and laser sensors to capture both 2D edges and 3D surfaces on the part being inspected.
Specialized inspection software allows customer CAD information to be processed for inspection routines and analysis of the measured results and provide detailed displays of the quality of the part under inspection.

As well as our main line of products we can also design, prototype and even test customized solutions.